
State of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Undated and Wrongly Dated Mail-in Ballots Challenge (RNC)

Republican National Committee v. All 67 County Boards of Elections

Petition filed by the Republican National Committee (RNC) and Republican Party of Pennsylvania against all 67 Pennsylvania county boards of elections asking the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to reaffirm its order to reject mail-in ballots with an undated or wrongly dated outer envelope in the November 2024 general election.



State of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Bucks County Undated or Wrongly Dated Mail-in Ballots Challenge

McCormick v. Bucks County Board of Elections

Lawsuit filed by Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, David McCormick, the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Republican Party of Pennsylvania against the Bucks County Board of Elections challenging the board’s decision to count 405 mail-in ballots submitted with undated or wrongly dated outer envelopes in the November 2024 general election.



State of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Philadelphia County Provisional Ballot Global Challenge Request

McCormick v. Philadelphia County Board of Elections

Lawsuit filed by Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, David McCormick, against the Philadelphia County Board of Elections and its commissioners seeking the ability to challenge large categories of provisional ballots and segregate provisional ballots from voters who requested a mail-in or absentee ballot.



State of Michigan

Michigan Voter Intimidation Challenge

American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan v. Does 1-6

Lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan (ACLU) against six individuals challenging alleged voter intimidation activities at several polling places in Michigan on Election Day.



State of Georgia

Georgia DeKalb County Poll Hours Extension Request

Democratic National Committee v. DeKalb County Department of Registration and Elections

Petition filed by the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Party of Georgia against Dekalb County Board of Elections and Registrations seeking to extend voting hours at six polling locations in the county due to bomb threats.



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