Right-Wing Challenge to Nevada County Voter Rolls Dismissed
A Nevada judge dismissed a right-wing lawsuit challenging the maintenance of voter rolls in Washoe County, Nevada.
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A Nevada judge dismissed a right-wing lawsuit challenging the maintenance of voter rolls in Washoe County, Nevada.
Tech billionaire Elon Musk and his PAC can continue running their $1 million sweepstakes for swing-state voters in Pennsylvania, a judge ruled.
Nye County, Nevada will allow all people to observe the upcoming election, regardless of political affiliation.
In a win for voters, the Nevada Supreme Court upheld the state’s policy of counting mail-in ballots without postmarks received up to three days after Election Day this November.
A Nevada county has dropped its lawsuit against the United States Postal Service (USPS) over the mail carrier’s plan to reroute its Reno operations.
A district court dismissed a lawsuit filed by the Republican National Committee (RNC), the Nevada Republican Party and a voter challenging the state’s maintenance of its voter rolls. This is the second time the lawsuit has been dismissed.
The right-wing organization Citizen Outreach Foundation voluntarily dismissed three lawsuits it filed in Nevada that asked county election officials to process around 30,000 voter challenges weeks before the election.
Former president Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) filed their third anti-voting lawsuit in Nevada over the last couple of months, this time accusing the state of not properly removing noncitizens from voter rolls.
The Republican National Committee sent letters to the secretaries of six swing states, urging them to monitor Vot-ER, a civic health organization helping to register voters in healthcare settings.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation, a right-wing legal group, dismissed its Nevada lawsuit Wednesday against Clark County Registrar of Voters Lorena Portillo, claiming she did not properly maintain county voter rolls.
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