Michigan Congressional Redistricting Challenge
Banerian v. Benson
Lawsuit filed by a group of Republican voters and current and past Republican officials challenging the state’s new congressional map drawn by the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission using 2020 census data. The plaintiffs argue that the congressional map fails to comply with the constitutional requirement of one person, one vote and does not follow “neutral, and traditionally accepted, redistricting criteria,” specifically respecting communities of interest. The court dismissed the claim regarding communities of interest, finding that it is nonjusticiable. The panel denied the plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction, meaning that the enacted congressional map will be in place for 2022 elections. The plaintiffs filed a notice of appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court and subsequently filed a jurisdictional statement on July 28, 2022. On Nov. 4, the Supreme Court dismissed the Republican plaintiffs’ appeal of the district court’s denial of their motion for a preliminary injunction. On Jan. 14, the plaintiffs voluntarily dismissed the lawsuit.
Case Documents (district court)
Case Documents (u.s. supreme court)
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