Illinois Voter Roll Access Challenge (PILF)
Public Interest Legal Foundation v. Illinois State Board of Elections
Lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) against the Illinois State Board of Elections and other state election officials challenging the restrictions on accessing the state’s voter registration list and list maintenance data. The Illinois Restricted Access Law restricts access to the state’s voter registration list to political committees or government entities only. The only exception to this law is that a person may view the list at the office of the Illinois State Board of Elections. In October 2019, the plaintiff sent a letter to the board requesting access to the state’s voter registration list, arguing that the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) supersedes state law and therefore requires the board to grant access.
The plaintiff argues the board’s refusal to produce the state voter registration list on account of the Illinois Restricted Access law violates Section 8 of the NVRA and asks the court to prohibit the board from denying any future requests for voter registration lists or list maintenance data. On March 8, 2022, the court ruled in favor of the plaintiff. On April 4, the defendants filed a motion to reconsider.
RESULT: On April 20, 2022, the court denied the defendants’ motion to reconsider. The board must provide voter registration lists and list maintenance data when requested.
Case Documents
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