Ohio Congressional Redistricting Challenge (Simon)
Simon v. DeWine
Lawsuit filed by Black voters challenging the new Ohio congressional map.
Learn more about the lawsuits shaping voting rights, redistricting and elections by exploring Democracy Docket’s comprehensive database of cases. Click on any case to find a brief summary of the lawsuit and all relevant filings in the “case documents” section.
Simon v. DeWine
Lawsuit filed by Black voters challenging the new Ohio congressional map.
Lake v. Hobbs
Lawsuit filed on behalf of a Republican candidate for governor, Keri Lake, and state Rep. Mark Finchem (R), a candidate for Arizona secretary of state, challenging Arizona’s use of electronic voting machines.
Newcomb v. Wyoming
Lawsuit brought by a Wyoming voter, Tim Newcomb, challenging Wyoming’s voter ID law, House Bill 0075.
Brnovich v. Hobbs
Lawsuit filed by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) against Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D) over the state’s election procedures manual.
Berry v. Ashcroft
Lawsuit filed in federal court on behalf of a Republican challenging Missouri’s 2010 congressional map following the release of 2020 census data.
Beadles v. Cegavske
Lawsuit filed in state court on behalf of Washoe County, Nevada voters who are seeking an expansion of election observation in future elections.
Goldman v. Cegavske
Lawsuit filed in state court on behalf of Clark County, Nevada voters who are seeking an expansion of election observation in future elections.
Thomas v. Missouri
Lawsuit filed on behalf of three Republican voters challenging the state’s failure to enact a new congressional map based on 2020 census data.
White v. State Board of Election Commissioners
Lawsuit filed on behalf of Black Mississippians challenging the districts used for electing justices to the Mississippi Supreme Court.
Black Voters Matter Capacity Building Institute v. Byrd
Lawsuit filed on behalf of multiple civil rights organizations and individual voters challenging Florida’s new congressional map.
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