Missouri Impasse Litigation (Thomas)
Thomas v. Missouri
Lawsuit filed on behalf of three Republican voters challenging the state’s failure to enact a new congressional map based on 2020 census data. The state’s current congressional map was drawn using 2010 census data and therefore does not accurately reflect the state’s population growth from the last decade. Because of this, the plaintiffs argue that the current districts are malapportioned and do not comply with the constitutional principle of one person, one vote. The plaintiffs also point to the fact that the state failed to adopt new congressional districts before the candidate filing period closed as further proof that the court system must take over congressional redistricting. The lawsuit asks the state court to order the creation of a new congressional map that’s based on 2020 census data and open the candidate filing period once a new map is in place. On May 20, the plaintiffs voluntarily dismissed the lawsuit.
Case Documents
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