Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Lack of Voting Access for Eligible Incarcerated Voters
A judge dismissed a lawsuit alleging Delaware is disenfranchising eligible voters who are detained pretrial and unable to vote absentee.
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A judge dismissed a lawsuit alleging Delaware is disenfranchising eligible voters who are detained pretrial and unable to vote absentee.
Just in time for the 2024 election cycle, Delaware’s early voting and absentee voting laws will go back into effect after the state high court rejected a right-wing challenge to the laws.
The Arizona, Delaware and Georgia Republican parties are urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Kari Lake’s (R) fringe voting machines lawsuit, arguing that courts set too high of a standard for election challenges to proceed.
Today, the Prisoners for Legal Advocacy Network (PLAN) filed a lawsuit challenging Delaware’s failure to provide eligible incarcerated voters with a way to cast their ballots.
On Thursday, May 4, the Delaware Senate approved a constitutional amendment to allow no-excuse mail-in voting.
On Friday Oct. 7, the Delaware Supreme Court simultaneously reversed a decision that upheld the state’s recently enacted same-day registration law and upheld a decision that struck down Delaware’s new no-excuse mail-in voting law.
On Thursday, Oct. 6, the Delaware Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case brought by Republicans challenging the state’s no-excuse mail-in voting law and same-day registration law.
On Wednesday, Sept. 14, a Delaware state court struck down Senate Bill 320, a law that allowed any voter to request a mail-in ballot without an excuse, and upheld the state’s same-day voter registration law, House Substitute 1 to House Bill 25.
On Wednesday, July 27, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) announced that it filed a lawsuit challenging the state’s two recently enacted pro-voting laws, which establish no-excuse mail-in voting and same-day voter registration.
Yesterday, the Delaware Senate passed House Substitute 1 to House Bill 25, legislation that would enact same-day voter registration in Delaware in time for this year’s elections.
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