Republican Congressman Introduces Bill To Ensure Noncitizens Are Banned From Voting

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Monday, July 3, U.S. Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.) introduced H.R. 4460, also called the NO VOTE for Non-Citizens Act of 2023, a bill that would ensure that only U.S. citizens are able to vote in federal elections, despite the fact that this is already the case.

By amending the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and the Help America Vote Act of 2002, the bill would clarify the authority of states to remove noncitizens from voting rolls and reduce payments to state and local jurisdictions that allow noncitizen voting. Additionally, states would be required to maintain separate voter registration lists for noncitizens. 

The introduction of this bill comes at a time when Republicans in states across the country are passing bills aimed at preventing noncitizens from voting despite the fact that they already could not do so. Earlier this year, House Republicans unanimously voted to overturn a Washington, D.C. bill that permitted noncitizen residents to vote in local elections.

Read the bill here.

Track the status of the bill here.