State of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Montgomery County Voter Services Van Challenge

Hager v. Montgomery County Board of Commissioners

Lawsuit filed on behalf of a Pennsylvania voter against the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners, Montgomery County Board of Elections, Montgomery County Voter Registration Commission and three county officials challenging the county’s mobile voter services van. On Oct. 5, 2024, Montgomery County released its new voter services satellite office — a van that travels across the county which residents can use to register to vote, request mail-in ballots and return their completed absentee ballots. The voter alleges the van violates Pennsylvania law, which requires counties to publicly announce the exact times and locations of any voter registration efforts. The voter asks the court to prohibit Montgomery County from using the voter services van until the county can provide a fixed schedule for the van with physical and online notice at least 14 days in advance.

On Oct. 30, 2024, the trial court partially granted the voter’s motion for preliminary injunction. Montgomery County may continue to use the voter services van if it provides 24-hour notice of its schedule.

RESULT: On Dec. 4, the plaintiff withdrew his lawsuit.

Case Documents

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