State of Kentucky

Kentucky Union City Election Contest

Bine v. Garner

Lawsuit filed by a candidate for the Union City Commission, Douglas Bine, against his four opposing candidates, Boone County Clerk Justin Crigler, Boone County Sheriff Michael Helming and two members of the Boone County Board of Elections challenging the city of Union’s 2024 election results for the city commission. 

The Union City Commission is the city’s legislative body, comprised of four commissioners that serve two year terms. Bine claims that Union’s six voting precincts received two separate ballots — a county ballot and a city ballot. He alleges that two precincts, Union 1 and Union 4, did not provide enough city ballots for every registered voter who resided in Union, asserting that once the city ballots had run out, voters were only provided the county ballot which lacked the Union City Commission race as well as a cannabis public referendum question. Bine further claims that in both voting precincts, some of the city ballots cast may have been cast by county voters who were not eligible to vote in the Union election. 

In a third voting precinct, Florence 15, no city ballots were printed because it is a “ghost precinct,” meaning there are no registered voters in the county. Brine asserts that there is a building within the Florence 15 boundaries that might house potential voters who could have voted in the city election. He argues there are “gross irregularities” in the results of the Union City election in violation of Kentucky law, and asks the court to set aside the results of the election and order that a new election be conducted in compliance with state law. 

STATUS: Bine filed his complaint on Dec. 4, 2024. A motion hearing on the Boone County Board of Elections’ motion to strike the election challenge is scheduled for Dec. 17, 2024.

Case Documents

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