Maricopa County, Arizona Audit Finds No Fraud
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Tuesday, the results of a Republican-requested audit found no evidence of fraud or “vote switching” in the Maricopa County 2020 election. The audit examined the county’s election equipment and software after Arizona’s Board of Supervisors, led by Republicans, disputed President Joe Biden’s win in the state’s largest county.
Last November, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors’ Republican chair Clint Hickman testified that he found no evidence of voter fraud that would affect the outcome of the county’s election, saying “It is time to dial back the rhetoric, rumors, and false claims. No matter how you voted, this election was administered with integrity, transparency and in accordance with state laws.” However, Republican lawmakers continued to push rhetoric of voter fraud through January, prompting the ensuing audit. Trump and his Republican allies brought seven post-election court challenges in Arizona — all of which were unsuccessful.
In a summary of the audit results, the Maricopa County Elections Department “confirm[ed]…[the Department’s] configuration and setup of the tabulation equipment and election management system provided an accurate counting of ballots and reporting of election results.”