State of Texas

Texas Travis County Voter Registration Outreach Challenge

Texas v. Elfant

Lawsuit filed by the state of Texas, through Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R), against Travis County’s tax assessor and county commissioners challenging Travis County’s plan for reaching out to unregistered voters by mail. Texas argues the county does not have the legal authority to use government funds to hire a vendor to conduct outreach to unregistered voters. The state asks the court to block the county’s plan from moving forward.

Texas filed its lawsuit on Sept. 5, 2024. A judge denied Paxton’s to block the county’s voter registration efforts on Sept. 16. The following day, Travis County officials filed a notice of removal to federal court, which the state opposed.

STATUS: On Oct. 10, a federal judge remanded the case back to state court. Litigation is ongoing.

Case Documents (state trial court)

Case Documents (federal court)

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