State of Georgia

Georgia State Election Board Certification Rules Challenge

Abhiraman v. State Election Board

Lawsuit filed by the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of Georgia, a Democratic candidate for the Georgia House of Representatives, local election officials and voters from several different counties challenging two new election certification rules recently passed by the Georgia State Election Board (SEB). The Reasonable Inquiry Rule would require local election officials to conduct a “reasonable inquiry” to ensure that final election results are complete and accurate before certifying them. The Examination Rule would allow individual county board of election members to examine all the documents related to an election before certifying the results. The plaintiffs argue these rules are invalid because they violate state laws that mandate all election officials to certify election results by a statewide deadline. They ask the court to declare these rules invalid or rule that they must only be followed to the extent they do not interfere with election officials’ mandatory duty to certify election results. They also ask the court to clarify that  all local election officials must certify the results of the 2024 elections by 5 p.m. on Nov. 12, 2024.

The plaintiffs filed their complaint on Aug. 26, 2024.

STATUS: On Sept. 3, 2024, the Republican National Committee and Georgia Republican Party filed motions to intervene in defense of the SEB rules. Litigation is ongoing.

Case Documents

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