Court Cases

Learn more about the lawsuits shaping voting rights, redistricting and elections by exploring Democracy Docket’s comprehensive database of cases. Click on any case to find a brief summary of the lawsuit and all relevant filings in the “case documents” section.

State of Arizona

Arizona Voter Roll Maintenance Challenge

Mussi v. Fontes

Lawsuit filed by the chair of the Republican Party of Arizona Gina Swoboda and two voters against the Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D) challenging the state’s maintenance of its voter rolls.



State of Georgia

Georgia Fulton County Poll Workers Challenge

Fulton County Republican Party v. Williams

Lawsuit filed by Republican National Committee, Georgia Republican Party and Fulton County Republican Party against Director of Fulton County Department of Registration and Elections Nadine Williams challenging the county’s decision to hire only a small number of Republican poll workers during early voting and on Election Day.



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