Arizona Noncitizen Voter Roll Maintenance Challenge (America First Legal Foundation)
Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona v. Richer
Lawsuit filed by Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona and a voter against Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer (R) and Maricopa County challenging the county’s practices for removing noncitizens from the voter rolls. Arizona law requires individuals to provide documentary proof of citizenship (DPOC) when they register to vote. Voters who register without DPOC are only allowed to vote in federal elections. The plaintiffs allege that Richer has not taken steps to verify federal-only voters’ citizenship through federal databases. They argue this violates a state law, which says all county recorders have a mandatory obligation to verify federal only voters’ citizenship status through all available databases.
The plaintiffs ask the court to rule Richer has a mandatory obligation to verify Maricopa County voters’ citizenship and order him to start using federal databases to do so.
The plaintiffs filed their complaint on Aug. 5, 2024.
On Aug. 12, Richer and Maricopa County filed a motion to move this case to federal court.
STATUS: On Sept. 3, Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona amended its complaint to challenge the practices for removing noncitizens from the voter rolls in all 15 counties. Litigation is ongoing.
Case Documents (FEDERAL COURT)
Case Documents (STATE COURT)
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