This November’s State Legislative Elections Are Key To Protecting the Presidential Election
Just as in 2020, to focus exclusively on federal races, and ignore the very real threats in battleground states legislatures is shortsighted.
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Just as in 2020, to focus exclusively on federal races, and ignore the very real threats in battleground states legislatures is shortsighted.
Just because LaRose’s path to the U.S. Senate hit a major roadblock doesn’t mean his anti-democratic actions will.
If the virus of mass voter challenges is an epidemic threatening to sweep across the nation and undermine our democracy, then Georgia is patient zero.
Maricopa County is an unfortunate example of how sheriff elections do not necessarily represent the will of the people.
Bolstered by his three new hires, Michael Whatley has promised to “work around the clock to file aggressive litigation where needed.”
It’s a tale as old as time in Ohio, but Republican officials are again using their authority to thwart efforts to expand the people’s power.
Even as voting by mail has become increasingly important to winning elections, it remains a target of Republican derision.
The path to a brighter future lies in the hands of those who are ready to step up and lead.
When Americans head to the polls this year, voters in 38 states — more than ever before — will have to confront a maze of voter ID laws.
The fight in Arizona is only the latest example of how Republicans seek to alter and weaken rules to undermine election officials and subvert elections.