A Slew of Anti-Voting Bills Are Set To Go Into Effect in Texas Tomorrow
On Friday, Sept. 1, a slew of Republican-backed bills attacking the right to vote and hampering election administration in Texas will go into effect.
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On Friday, Sept. 1, a slew of Republican-backed bills attacking the right to vote and hampering election administration in Texas will go into effect.
On Tuesday, Aug. 22, the Texas Supreme Court green-lighted a law that eliminates the appointed election administrator position in Texas counties with a population of 3.5 million or more.
On Thursday, Aug. 17, a federal judge struck down portions of Texas’ 2021 omnibus voter suppression law, Senate Bill 1, for violating the Materiality Provision of the Civil Rights Act.
On Monday Aug. 14, a Texas judge temporarily blocked Senate Bill 1750, a law that abolishes the appointed election administrator position in Texas counties with a population of 3.5 million or more.
On Thursday, July 20, the state of Texas resigned from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), according to a letter obtained by VoteBeat.
On Thursday, July 6, Harris County, Texas filed a lawsuit against the state of Texas, Texas Attorney General John Scott (R) and Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson (R) challenging a new law that targets Harris County election administration.
Over the weekend, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) took action on two election bills related to ballot access for voters with disabilities.
On Thursday, May 26, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 477, a bill that would make voting easier for individuals with disabilities.
On Sunday, June 18, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed three election bills, including two targeting election administration in Houston’s Harris County.
Ahead of the start of the 2023 regular legislative session, state legislators in Texas filed over 70 voting and elections bills, from proposals expanding mail-in voting to bills creating special election marshals to investigate purported voter fraud.