Florida Judge Blocks Harmful Voter Suppression Law in Win for Voters
Today, a federal judge issued a ruling on Florida’s voter suppression law, Senate Bill 90, that was passed in May 2021.
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Today, a federal judge issued a ruling on Florida’s voter suppression law, Senate Bill 90, that was passed in May 2021.
Today, a lawsuit was filed in state court over Florida’s imminent failure to enact a new congressional map following the release of 2020 census data.
Today, the Florida Legislature approved a congressional plan, advancing two map options that are expected to be vetoed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R).
Today, a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida ruled on multiple summary judgment motions filed in League of Women Voters of Florida v. Lee, a case challenging Florida’s new voter suppression law Senate Bill 90.
Last Friday, a federal court filing revealed that the University of Florida is prohibiting three of its professors from testifying in a case challenging Florida’s new voter suppression law, Senate Bill 90.
Earlier this week, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a challenge to Florida’s requirement that individuals with a former felony conviction must pay all financial obligations related to their sentence before they regain the right to vote.
On Friday, a lawsuit was filed on behalf of Florida voters against Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for his failure to call three special elections to fill vacancies in three majority-Black legislative districts.
The GOP-controlled Florida Legislature suggested this week that it does not intend to host public redistricting hearings, drawing complaints from fair maps advocates.
Today, a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida allowed four cases challenging provisions of Florida’s newly-passed voter suppression law, Senate Bill 90, to move forward.
Today, individual professors and students of Florida’s public colleges and universities filed a lawsuit against the Florida commissioner of education and other education officials challenging the constitutionality of House Bill 233.