Florida House Committee Advances Omnibus Election Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Wednesday, April 19, the Florida House State Affairs Committee approved PCB SAC 23-01, a 108-page bill that revises multiple parts of the state’s election code. The bill is similar to Senate Bill 7050, a version that already passed the Florida Senate Ethics and Elections Committee and has a hearing in another Senate committee tomorrow.

Among a host of provisions, PCB SAC 23-01 would:

  • Direct organizations to deliver applications within 10 days of completion, rather than 14, and increase the fines associated with failing to comply with these requirements,
  • Prevent ballots from being counted if two or more mail-in ballots are returned in the same envelope and
  • Make it harder for first-time voters without proper identification to cast a counted mail-in ballot.

Read PCB SAC 23-01 here.

Read a full summary of provisions contained in companion bill S.B. 7050 here.