State of Wisconsin

Wisconsin Noncitizen Voter Roll Maintenance Challenge (Cerny)

Cerny v. Wisconsin Elections Commission

Lawsuit filed by a voter against the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) and all of its commissioners, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and Secretary of WisDOT, Craig Thompson, challenging the state’s process for verifying the citizenship status of voter registrants. The plaintiff claims that WEC has failed to check voter registration applications against the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)’s list of driver’s licenses and identification cards to verify applicants’ citizenship. She argues that WEC’s lack of citizenship verification against WisDOT’s records violates state law and asks the court to order that WEC and WisDOT compare voter registrants to DMV records before authorizing registration applications. 

STATUS: The plaintiff filed her petition on Aug. 16, 2024. Litigation is ongoing.

Case Documents

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