Texas Redistricting Challenge (Wilson)
Wilson v. Texas
Lawsuit filed on behalf of an individual currently incarcerated in a Texas prison challenging the state’s practice of prison gerrymandering (when individuals are counted where they are incarcerated rather than their last known address) and the new congressional map. The complaint argues that prison gerrymandering violates the U.S. Constitution by “treating Plaintiff differently from others by declaring him for federal representational purposes as an inhabitant of where he was confined” when the 2020 census was conducted and not adhering to the constitutional principle of one person, one vote. The case was consolidated with others challenging; all filings can be found in La Union del Pueblo Entero (LUPE) v. Abbott. On the LUPE docket, the court dismissed this complaint, holding that the plaintiff — an incarcerated individual who does not have the right to vote — did not have standing to sue.
Case Documents
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