Oregon Voting Machines Challenge II
Gunter v. Gambee
Lawsuit filed by Oregon voters against the Wasco County clerk and several Wasco County commissioners alleging that the “methods by which elections at the local, state, and federal levels in Oregon were conducted in 2020, and are being conducted in 2022, cannot be shown to provide 100% fair elections.” Notably, the same plaintiffs filed a similar lawsuit raising similar claims against Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan (D) challenging the state’s use of electronic voting machines. Among other conspiratorial claims, the plaintiffs allege that Oregon’s voting machines are not properly accredited and “voting machines tested by Voting System Test Laboratories (VSTL) with improper Election Assistance Commission accreditation at the time of certification and with the potential for the Trapdoor mechanism.” The plaintiffs assert that the defendants are violating Oregon laws and the U.S. Constitution by using “unlawful election machines and software.” The plaintiffs request a judgment “declaring the election machines and software used in the 2020 elections and 2022 election are not compliant to the law and election mandates.” They also request that the court exclude “Wasco County election machines, printers, and tabulators…from use in the November 8, 2022 election, and further bar[] the use of election machines in the future due to the extreme glaring and unresolved circumstances surrounding the 2020 election, and 2022 election.” On Nov. 8, this case was consolidated with Gunter v. Fagan, where all future filings can be found.