Idaho Legislative Redistricting Challenge (Ada County)
Ada County v. Idaho Commission for Reapportionment
Lawsuit filed by Ada County, Idaho challenging Idaho’s legislative map drawn with 2020 census data. The petition alleges that the map unnecessarily divides counties, specifically splitting up Ada County three times despite the fact that the “Commission acknowledges that the splitting of Ada County is not mandatory” and such divisions allegedly break up the county’s communities of interest. The lawsuit asks the Idaho Supreme Court to declare the map violates the Idaho Constitution and order the creation of a new map that complies with state and federal requirements. The case was consolidated with three others challenging the state’s new legislative map, with Durst v. Idaho Commission for Reapportionment designated as the lead case. The Idaho Supreme Court upheld the map, finding that the commission “‘reasonably determined’ the number of counties that must be divided to comply with the Equal Protection Clause.” On July 14, Ada County petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari. On Oct. 3, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Ada County’s petition for a writ of certiorari.
Case Documents (ID supreme court)
Case Documents (u.S. Supreme Court)
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