Alabama Absentee Voting Accessibility Challenge II
Rissling v. Bobo
Lawsuit filed on behalf of four voters who are blind or have a print disability and the National Federation of the Blind of Alabama against absentee election managers for Tuscaloosa, Mobile and Jefferson counties challenging Alabama’s inaccessible absentee voting system for those who are blind or have print disabilities. Print disabilities are disabilities that interfere with a person’s ability to read, mark and handle printed paper documents. The plaintiffs all use Alabama’s absentee ballot program, but it requires them to have the assistance of another person to complete their absentee ballot. One way for blind voters or voters with print disabilities to vote without assistance of another person is to use accessible electronic ballots. Alabama already makes absentee ballots available electronically to citizens living overseas and in the military, but Alabama does not currently allow voters with print disabilities to vote electronically.
“By requiring blind and print disabled voters to seek another person’s assistance to complete a paper ballot, Defendants’ absentee ballot systems violate Plaintiffs’ right to vote privately and independently when voting absentee,” the complaint reads. While the absentee voting process allows sighted individuals to vote secretly, independently, and privately, the plaintiffs argue that because another person must be relied on for assistance with their absentee ballots, they are not afforded that same opportunity. The plaintiffs argue that Alabama’s absentee voting process is not accessible and violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The plaintiffs request that the defendants remedy this violation by implementing a remote accessible mail-in voting system that includes electronic delivery and return of ballots for people with vision and print disabilities for all future elections.
STATUS: On June 24, 2024, the district court granted in part and denied in part a motion to dismiss the case. The judge dismissed the plaintiffs’ claims under the Rehabilitation Act, but allowed the claims under the ADA to go forward. Litigation is ongoing
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