Mass Voter Challenges Surge in Iowa
WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, Iowans challenged hundreds of registered voters in two of the state’s most populous counties — a far greater number than in previous election cycles, according to election officials. Reviewing each challenge will create more work for election officials in advance of this year’s elections, and if the challenged voters don’t appear for their hearings, their registration will be canceled.
Iowa law permits Iowans to challenge registrations if they believe the information is incorrect or fraudulent. Election officials in Iowa speculate the increase in challenges is inspired by continued falsehoods about the 2020 election. In recent months, groups in Iowa have invited election denying guests to the state to encourage Iowans to uncover evidence of fraud themselves, and challenging registrations is one way everyday Iowans might try to do this.
Iowa is just the latest state to see a surge in mass challenges — thousands of voters have also been challenged in Georgia. As Republicans continue to cast doubt on the validity of American elections, challenges are likely to spread to other states as well.