Court Cases

Learn more about the lawsuits shaping voting rights, redistricting and elections by exploring Democracy Docket’s comprehensive database of cases. Click on any case to find a brief summary of the lawsuit and all relevant filings in the “case documents” section.

State of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Delaware County Poll Watchers Challenge

Delaware County Republican Executive Committee v. Delaware County Board of Elections

Petition filed by the Delaware County Republican Party against the Delaware County, Pennsylvania Board of Elections (“BOE”) requesting that the court “grant access to and permit [the plaintiff’s] watchers and attorneys to be present in all areas of the Board of Elections offices.”



State of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Monroe County Pre-Canvass Challenge

Monroe County Republican Committee v. Monroe County Board of Elections

Lawsuit filed by the Monroe County Republican Committee against the Monroe County Board of Elections and its two commissioners alleging that the county is violating state law by pre-canvassing mail-in and absentee ballots ahead of the state deadline.



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