State of South Carolina

South Carolina Youth Voter Registration Challenge

ACLU of South Carolina v. State Election Commission

Lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of South Carolina (ACLU SC) against the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and State Elections Commission (SEC) challenging the DMV’s rejection of voter registration applications from young voters who would turn 18 before or on Election Day. The plaintiff alleges that between September 2023 and October 2024, the state’s DMV has not transmitted voter registration information to the SEC for over 17,000 young voters. The plaintiff argues that this violates  the state constitution and state law, which protects the rights of all young voters who will be 18 by Election Day to register and vote. The plaintiff asks the court to order the DMV to identify every young voter who was wrongfully denied registration, transmit that list to SEC so they can notify the affected voters and register them in time to vote in the 2024 general election.

The plaintiff filed its complaint on Oct. 22, 2024.

On Oct. 24, 2024, the South Carolina Republican Party (SC GOP) filed a motion to intervene in this case.

On Oct. 25, 2024, the judge denied the ACLU’s motion. These voters will not be registered in time to vote for the 2024 election.

RESULT: On Dec. 10, 2024, the ACLU of South Carolina voluntarily dismissed this case.

Case Documents

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