Kansas Congressional Redistricting Challenge (Frick)
Frick v. Schwab
Lawsuit filed on behalf of Democratic voters challenging Kansas’ new congressional map drawn with 2020 census data. The plaintiffs allege that the Republican Legislature drew a partisan gerrymander that intentionally dilutes the voting strength of the state’s Democrats in violation of the Kansas Constitution. In particular, the lawsuit focuses on how Douglas County — a Democratic stronghold — is divided between Republican-dominated districts, allegedly ensuring that no Democrat can win a congressional seat in Kansas. The plaintiffs ask the court to block the current map and order the creation of a new map that fairly represents the state and does not split up Douglas County. The case was consolidated with two cases filed in Wyandotte County — Rivera v. Schwab and Alonzo v. Schwab — for discovery and pretrial proceedings. All future case documents and updates can be found on the Rivera v. Schwab case page.
Case Documents
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